donderdag, juli 30, 2009

Nieuwe releases van Sakai

De nieuwste release van Sakai, versie 2.6.0, is recent uitgebracht. Tevens is er ook maintenance release (versie 2.5.5) uitgebracht, voor diegenen die nog op deze versie (willen blijven) werken. Zie verder « Michael Korcuska Sakai Blog
I’m very pleased to announce that Sakai 2.6.0 is now officially available! Source, binary and demo distributions are available for download. For more information on what’s included in the release, see the release summary (in powerpoint) and the documentation page (in its fancy new format!).

This release is the second time we’ve taken Sakai through a revised process we originally put in place for 2.5. This process took the release through several beta and release candidate stages. While there will always be bugs in large complicated software packages like Sakai, we’re certain that the extra effort an attention that the community put into this process has resulted in a significantly higher quality release. In fact this process caused some significant delays to the release date as we found important bugs that needed to be fixed before the software was released (more on this below).

woensdag, juli 29, 2009

Mark en Jacques (video)

Mark Breuker (LOI) interviewt Jacques Koeman (Edia) over de laatste Sakai conferentie.

Ik vraag me waarom ze zelf de video hier niet hebben geplaatst :-) Het is gewoon een goed interview!

vrijdag, juli 24, 2009

Sakai conferentie terug zien?

Enkele weken geleden was de 10e Sakai conferentie, zoals bekend. Er is een interessant bericht verschenen van Mathieu Plourde over wat er op deze conferentie allemaal gedaan is om het één en ander te bewaren op video. Lees zijn uitgebreide bericht hierover, getiteld Anything Instructional: Citizen Journalism Follow-Up From Sakai Boston
The Sakai community builds up a lot of energy during the now annual international conference, so I took upon myself to champion the idea (people on the weekly conference call could hardly stop me from yapping... sorry about that!) of getting as much information out of the conference to the rest of the community who could not make it, including my UD colleagues. It all started with a call for volunteer Citizen Journalists about a week before the conference (..).

dinsdag, juli 07, 2009

10de Sakai conferentie in Boston is onderweg

In Boston is vandaag de 10e Sakai conferentie van start gegaan. Meer dan 500 deelnemers treffen elkaar aan de oostkust van de VS om ervaringen & best pratices te delen. Een belangrijk thema deze conferentie is Sakai 3, de volgende en revolutionaire fase in de Sakai community en software. 

De conferentie is online te volgen via o.a. twitter; tag is #Sakai09
Een kort overzicht van de overige social media tools (blogs, ustream, yahoo pipes, slideshare, facebook ) die worden ingezet is te vinden via deze pagina:

De officiële conferentie wiki is te vinden op: