De nieuwste release van Sakai, versie 2.6.0, is recent uitgebracht. Tevens is er ook maintenance release (versie 2.5.5) uitgebracht, voor diegenen die nog op deze versie (willen blijven) werken. Zie verder « Michael Korcuska Sakai Blog
I’m very pleased to announce that Sakai 2.6.0 is now officially available! Source, binary and demo distributions are available for download. For more information on what’s included in the release, see the release summary (in powerpoint) and the documentation page (in its fancy new format!).
This release is the second time we’ve taken Sakai through a revised process we originally put in place for 2.5. This process took the release through several beta and release candidate stages. While there will always be bugs in large complicated software packages like Sakai, we’re certain that the extra effort an attention that the community put into this process has resulted in a significantly higher quality release. In fact this process caused some significant delays to the release date as we found important bugs that needed to be fixed before the software was released (more on this below).