dinsdag, juli 31, 2007

New institution using Sakai

Sometimes you are confronted with a pleasant surprise. This time it came to me trough my email. I was asked to comment on a choice between Sakai and Moodle as possible course management system for Academia Vitae. I had never heard of this educational institution before in my life. And to make it worse: they are located in Deventer, which is quite close to my hometown.
Academia Vitae is a privately-funded institution that provides educational programmes for young professionals and more experienced professionals. They have taken the model of a classic university and liberal arts and sciences. They offer several broad programmes to the students. Their ICT strategy is geared towards opensource, therefore their shortlist contained Sakai and Moodle. Not even before I properly had responded to their questions in their first email, I received a second email that they had chosen Sakai. One of the reasons mentioned in favor of Sakai, is the educational model of Moodle that doesn't really fit the philosophy of Academia Vitae.
Academia Vitae will be working with Edia (the company that brought us Sakai on a stick) in implementing Sakai.

dinsdag, juli 17, 2007

Standards: a lot of useful information from JISC!

The JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee), based in the UK, has a great Standards Catalogue. The information has been collated by UKOLN (Brian Kelly). This kind of resource is, for me, very valuable. Otherwise I would have been surfing the net endlessly.
The information is not restricted to purely 'open' standards, which (at this moment in time, that is) is understandable. The information is also not restricted to e-learning standards, but also standards in the field of text editing or images. Sometimes you need to be a little pragmatic. All standards are documented in the same way (based on a template). What is very nice that there are headings like "Risk Asessment" and "Take-up Elsewhere" for every entry. The approach of JISC with regard to standards is also explained.
I found a wiki, which is the working area, where 'everyone' can edit. And there is a website, that holds more permanent (and pertinent?) information. Go find out for yourself what you think!
Some standards that you will find explained:
  1. Binary text documents, such as DOC, RTF, ODF, or PDF
  2. Image standards: for example SVG, TIFF or PNG
  3. Examples of multimedia standards: ACC, MP3, ASF
  4. Metadata: DIDL, RDF, RSS
  5. E-learning standards: Learning Design, Content Packaging, IMS Enterprise, QTI

maandag, juli 16, 2007

The photos of Amsterdam

It is vacation time... Nothing much will happen in the coming weeks. We will be back in the middle in August.
I have created a post with some visual appeal with SideFlickr to keep you 'satisfied'. It is a slideshow from my Amsterdam conference photo set.

vrijdag, juli 06, 2007

What are we going to do?

Originally uploaded by wytze
In our last meeting, on July 4, we discussed improvements we could make to the operations of the Sakai SIG NL. One of the suggestions was that we should make use of locations other than the SURFfoundation offices. Also it was suggested that, when having a meeting at a certain location, the location 'owner' would be responsible for the organisation of the meeting (e.g. inviting speakers, organise lunch etc). This also fits nicely with what we have dubbed 'distributed leadership'.
The first meeting of the next year, meeting 2.1, will most possibly be held at the University of Amsterdam. But also Saxion Hogescholen, Portfolio4U and A New Spring have offered to host a meeting in the coming year. Stay tuned for exact dates.
Please read the slide and also the meeting notes in the powerpoint presentation over at our website if you want to know all the details: http://elearning.surf.nl/sakai_en/sakai_in_nl/4566.

woensdag, juli 04, 2007

Amsterdam Conference videos online

It took a week extra but the videos of the 7th conference in Amsterdam are online. They are available at the following website: http://mediasite.uva.nl/mediasite/catalog/

under de Sakai button.
Unfortunately non-ms window users might experience some problems.
The mediasite application is optimized for microsoft file formats.
The video file format is *.wmv

Individual links to presentations listed according to the conference agenda:

Pre Conference 11 june: ( Matterhorn 2) - Morning:

Introduction Sakai (1):

Introduction Sakai (2):


Introduction to OSP (1):

Introduction to OSP (2):

Introduction to OSP (3):

12 june ( Matterhorn 1,2,3)

Opening of 7th Sakai Conference June 2007

Morning (Matterhorn 3)

Inclusive Design and..

An Introduction to FLUID...

Sakai UI design patterns

Sakai technical futures


Mneme: test center...

Welcome speech Paul Doop ...

13 june (Matterhorn 1) - Morning:

Learning styles and the online...

Open courseware pedagogy...

Innovative pedagogyin a dual ...

Lams V2 an Sakai ...


Open-CLE an open standard...

Student interaction with ...

Matterhorn 1,2,3:

Technical demonstation...

14 june (zurich 1) - Morning:

The use and integration of Sakai ...

Off to fast start OSP in Dutch ...

Sakai/OSP portfolio ...

Collaborating in a new Paradigm ...

Gt Sakai implementation ...


Sakai Accessibility Update ...

Closing and thank you ...

dinsdag, juli 03, 2007

Final report in English (University of Twente)

The project team at the University of Twente has recently finished their pilot project Campus Blend using Sakai (CBUS in short). In this project Sakai was evaluated on different aspects. Evaluation was done on technical aspects, educational and functional aspects as well as community aspects.
Extensive results and conclusion on the aforementioned aspects are all to be found in the final report, that has been translated into English for everyone to read. Go to http://www.utwente.nl/elo, where you can download your (electronic) copy of the report.

maandag, juli 02, 2007

{Dutch} Waarom geen opensource in het Hoger Onderwijs?

This post will be mostly in Dutch...
Ruben van Wendel de Joode (TU Delft) reflects on some recent research that concludes that not even one institution for Higher Education in The Netherlands uses an opensource product in when it comes to a VLE or CMS.
Ruben heeft het onderzoek van de Open Universiteit gelezen dat in het kader van het e-Learning research programma van SURFfoundation onlangs is verschenen. Hij begint zijn review als volgt:
"Met groeiende belangstelling en verbazing heb ik zojuist op een druilerige zondagavond het rapport gelezen over een door SURF foundation gefinancierd onderzoek naar de adoptie van open source elektronische leeromgevingen in het hoger onderwijs. In de inleiding, die begint op pagina 7, staat voor mij de meest essentiële uitkomst van het hele onderzoek. Van de 33 hoger onderwijsinstellingen die de enquête hebben ingevuld, maakt er niet één gebruik van open source in de elektronische leeromgeving (elo). Een opmerkelijke uitkomst."
Lees meer in Belangrijkste vraag blijft onbeantwoord.