woensdag, januari 20, 2010

EuroSakai 2010 and call for Papers

This year the EuroSakai 2010 Conference will be in Valencia, Spain. Valencia is a lovely Mediterranean city with a warm weather.

The conference will consist of a BootCamp/Workshop on the 1st of March followed by 2 days of conference presentations and BOF meetings on 2nd and 3rd of March.

Please we need all your collaboration for the conference presentations. If you think you have any good experience to talk about, a new tool to show or any good practice you want to share, please think about doing a presentation in the conference.

Presentation proposals can be sent to the conference e-email address eurosakai2010@upv.es

In the schedule it is included a Bootcamp/Workshop focused on configuration and maintenance for the sakai 2.x instance.
As you may know, sakai 3 is coming now strongly and may be you are interested also in a second and parallel BOOTCAMP for sakai 3.

Registration & Information
You can find all the information about the conference in the sakai website

Registration and payment can be done in https://www.upv.es/pls/sosak/sic_eusakai.REGISTRATION?p_vista=poliformat&P_IDIOMA=i

The registration fee is 100 EUR and includes all the meals for the conference.

If you are from Europe or you are planning to attend this conference please visit the web site and register as soon as possible.